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101 Business Problems: Diagnosis and RemedyCode: 24-BPDR
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Course Details
271 Pages
A manager's success depends largely on his or her ability to manage a company's assets. This mission is complicated by the interdependent nature of a company's finances. One short‐term financial problem, such as a cash flow shortage, can cause a longer‐term credit problem, such as denials for bank loans. The successful manager must be able to quickly identify and resolve such short‐term problems in order to prevent their long‐term deleterious effects. This course is intended for effective business managers and entrepreneurs. Covering every facet of the daily management of a business's finances, it is designed to help managers pinpoint, remedy, and prevent business and financial problems. In each case, it also points out potential ripple effects, the ways in which a problem in one sector can disrupt operations in other areas.
Presentation Method: QAS Self-Study
Category: Business Management & Organization
CPE credit: 12 Hours
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Exam expiration date: Participants must submit exams for grading within one year from the date of purchase