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Basic Business Essentials: Concepts & ToolsCode: 24-BBE
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Course Details
156 Pages
A refresher course covering basic concepts and tools of business. Coverage of every functional aspect of business is included. Topics covered are management, organization, human resource management, purchasing, production/operations, accounting, finance, marketing, quantitative methods, legal environment, information technology, and international business.
Major Subjects:
- The Economic Basis: The Economic Base of Business
- The Legal Structure of American Business
- Management and Organization
- Human Relations
- Labor Relations
- Production
- Purchasing
- Plant Location
- Data Processing and Management Information System
- Accounting
- Business Statistics
- Business Finance
- Managerial Control
- Financial Institutions
- The Financial Markets
- Risk and Insurance
- Marketing
- Marketing Channels
- Advertising and Sales Promotion
- Salesmanship and Marketing Management
- International Business
- Ethics and Business Law
- Government And Business
Presentation Method: Interactive Self-Study
Category: Business Management and Organization
CPE credit: 8 Hours
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Exam expiration date: Participants must submit exams for grading within one year from the date of purchase