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Effective Business CommunicationsCode: 24-BCOMM
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Course Details
263 Pages
Good communications, oral or written, is the key to success in business life. The course is intended to assist business people in gaining understanding of the communication process, writing and organization methods, and oral aspects of communication in business. Emphasis is also placed on new technology in business communications, including e-mails, blogs, social networking, and meeting systems.
Effective Business Communications is intended for:
- People in business who have not studied business communications---particularly business writing--as part of their formal education.
- Students preparing for subject or credit examinations and practitioners in fields in which competence in communication skills is part of a certification program.
- Business, government, and educational organizations conducting in-service training programs.
The course is easy to use and should assist the user in gaining understanding of the communication process, writing and organization methods, and oral aspects of communication in business. At the same time, to develop skill in applying this understanding takes practice which can only be gained in day-today application.
Presentation Method: QAS Self-Study
Category: Communications
CPE credit: 14 Hours
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Exam expiration date: Participants must submit exams for grading within one year from the date of purchase