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Estate Planning - Mini CourseCode: 25-ITS952
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Course Details
66 pages
Course description and objectives:
Course Objectives:
After reading the materials, participants will be able to:
1. Describe an estate planning team explaining their role in the estate administration process, list the unlimited marital deduction requirements, define the applicable exclusion amount and discuss the effects of stepped-up basis particularly, the potential of modified carryover basis.
2. Point out the limits of a simple will and the advantages and disadvantages of living trusts.
3. Identify specialized estate planning tools describing how they permit clients to pass more wealth and save death taxes, list the uses of a durable power of attorney, and give instances when a conservatorship is appropriate.
Presentation Method: Self-Study
Category: Taxation
CPE credit: 2 Hours
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Exam expiration date: Participants must submit exams for grading within one year from the date of purchase