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Controller's Guide to Multinational Financial ManagementCode: 24-FM-MNC
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Course Details
This course is designed for managers working for multinational companies (MNCs) as well as accountants, CFOs, controllers, treasurers, and international investors. In a modern economy, neither businesses nor individual investors can afford to be ignorant of the basic concepts of international finance. Changes in exchange rates and differences in national inflation and interest rates can affect the competitive position of businesses regardless of whether they are engaged in international operations.
For companies that are engaged in international business, national differences in banking, commercial laws, regulations, and political stability also complicate decision making. Today’s investors must also understand the effects of, and interactions among, exchange rates, inflation rates, and interest rates if they wish to maximize their returns and minimize their risks.
The study of multinational finance constitutes an essential component of a modern business education. The subject multinational finance is offered in a variety of titles including international finance, global finance, international financial management, or financial management of multinational corporations etc. at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Controllers’ Guide to Multinational Financial Management provides a clear and concise introduction to international finance. This course is written and compiled for working professionals engaged in the fields of international finance, global trade, foreign investments, and banking. It may be used for both day-to-day practice and for technical research. This course is a practical reference of proven techniques, strategies, and approaches that are successfully used by professionals to diagnose multinational finance and banking problems. The course covers virtually all important topics dealing with multinational business finance, investments, financial planning, financial economics, and banking. This course will benefit accountants, practicing financial analysts, CFOs, controllers, financial managers, treasurers, money managers, fund managers, investment analysts, and professional bankers, who are engaged in multinational operations.
Controllers’ Guide to Multinational Financial Management will enlighten the practitioner by presenting the most current information, offer important directives, and explain the technical procedures involved in the aforementioned dynamic business disciplines. The course applies to large, medium, or small multinational companies. It will help you to make smart decisions in all areas of international finance and banking.
You’ll find ratios, formulas, examples, applications, exhibits, charts, and rules of thumb to help you analyze and evaluate any global finance-related situation.
Presentation Method: QAS Self-Study
Category: Finance
CPE credit: 14 Hours
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Exam expiration date: Participants must submit exams for grading within one year from the date of purchase