Celebrating 25 years serving our friends and customers!
Accountant's Guide to Retail ManagementCode: 24-RETAIL
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Course Details
256 pages
Objective: Retailing, the business of selling consumer goods to final consumers, is constantly changing. Retailers are particularly affected by changes in the consumer population; in the economic, social, technological, and political environment; and in competitive conditions. This course teaches you the main requirements of effective retail management: personal qualifications of management; an adequate financial structure; necessary physical facilities; effective policies and procedures; and competence, loyalty, and productiveness of personnel. Also discussed are online retailing strategy, improving Internet presence, and future changes in retailing.
Presentation Method: Interactive Self-Study
Category: Business Management and Organization
CPE credit: 13 Hours
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Exam expiration date: Participants must submit exams for grading within one year from the date of purchase