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Business TaxationCode: 25-BUST
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Course Details
543 pages
Course description and objectives: Americans who want to be their own boss are not entirely on their own. They have a rich uncle - Uncle Sam - who is there to help, as well as to make demands. The nation's tax laws are intended to encourage people to start new businesses and are chock full of incentives and tax breaks, as well as sometimes onerous reporting requirements. This course is a fast-paced and entertaining guide through tax issues affecting business entities and their owners. The focus of this class is on tax devices and techniques available to the small-business owner. Emphasis will be given to operational deductions, fringe benefits, compensation, family income splitting, retirement plans and estate planning.
Presentation Method: Self-Study
Category: Taxation
CPE credit: 24 Hours
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Presentation Method: Self-Study
Exam expiration date: Participants must submit exams for grading within one year from the date of purchase