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Compilation and Review UpdateCode: 25-CR
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Course Details
Objectives: The objective of this course is to inform the reader of the various changes made to the compilation and review standards by the AICPA's Accounting and Review Services Committee (ARSC), and to address practice issues related to compilation and review engagements.
Program Content:
The first section of this course consists of an overview of SSARS No. 21, as amended by SSARS Nos. 22 through 25, and addresses the three types of engagements that can be performed under the SSARSs: a preparation of financial statements engagement, a compilation engagement, and a review engagement.
The remainder of the course consists of practice issues in compilation and review engagements. Topics include a discussion of an accountant's responsibility for fraud, internal control and going concern, representation letters for review engagements, personal financial statements, tax-basis financial statements, legends on financial statements, accountant's liability in compilation and review engagements, saving time in engagements, ethics and independence issues, and more. The focus of the course is to identify, recognize and recall the rules pertaining to various pronouncements, including those related to recent developments.
Presentation Method: Self-Study
Category: Auditing
CPE credit: 20 Hours
Program Level: Basic to intermediate
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of compilation and review engagements
Advance Preparation: None
Exam expiration date: Participants must submit exams for grading within one year from the date of purchase