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Tax Cuts & Jobs Act - Individual Tax PreparationCode: 25-TCJACT
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Course Details
Pages: 58
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), signed into law during the closing days of 2017, will significantly affect tax planning and the income tax liability for many taxpayers. This course will examine the principal changes affecting individual taxpayers made by the TCJA. It examines the provisions of the TCJA with increased potential to affect the taxation of individuals and which are related to changes in:
- Individual and capital gains tax rates;
- Standard deduction and exclusions;
- Income and adjustments to income;
- Itemized deductions in Form 1040 Schedule A;
- Form 1040 Schedule C;
- Tax credits;
- Individual alternative minimum tax (AMT);
- Taxation of unearned income of minor children;
- Qualified tuition plans;
- ABLE accounts;
- Tax treatment of student loan indebtedness discharges;
- Net operating losses; and
- Affordable Care Act individual responsibility requirement.
In addition, it will consider the business-related TCJA provisions affecting individual taxpayers, including the pass-through deduction for qualified trades or businesses under IRC §199A.
Course Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Recognize and apply the individual income and capital gains tax rates applicable to the current year;
- Identify the current year deductions, exclusions, adjustments and tax credits;
- Calculate the alternative minimum tax (AMT) and Kiddie tax;
- List the changes affecting Section 529 plans, ABLE accounts, discharge of student loan indebtedness, accounting for net operating losses and the individual responsibility requirement under the Affordable Care Act; and
- Calculate the pass-through deduction available under IRC §199A.
Presentation Method: QAS Self-Study
Category: Taxes
CPE credit: 7 Hours
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Exam expiration date: Participants must submit exams for grading within one year from the date of purchase